NATHAN242's Projects
Web Tools
Project repo: LINK
This is a simple HTTP daemon that I wrote for the sake of learning more about C/C++.
Simple HTTP Daemon v0.01. [Mar 31 2018 11:09:49] Usage: ./nphttpd -p [TCP_PORT] -r [WEB_ROOT] -i [DEFAULT_INDEX] -m [MAGIC_DB] -a -l -p [TCP_PORT] - TCP port to listen on. Default = 80. -r [WEB_ROOT] - Directory for web root. Default = current working directory. -i [DEFAULT_INDEX] - Default index file. Default = "index.html". -m [MAGIC_DB] - Path to alternate magic database. -a - Use automatic directory index when default index is missing. -l - Enable logging to STDOUT.
Functionality is basic and it should only be used for demonstration purposes.
I will probably add more functionality over time.