NATHAN242's Projects




Web Tools


Project repo: LINK


This program will create an A4 sized PNG image file with up to 3 scaled images inserted onto it. The images will be sized to 6"x4" so this can be used to prepare photos for printing. I created this as I did not like the way that the Windows print wizard would scale and crop photos on an A4 sheet.


From the command line you can specify 1-3 images: [image1] [image2] [image3]

It will output a file called "A4.png" in the current directory. You can change the output file name and location by editing the "resultfile" variable within the script. If you are running on Windows, it will automatically open the output file in the image viewer. You can disable this by setting "openresult" to "False" within the script.

On Windows systems you can call this script from the "send to" menu. This allows you to highlight up to 3 images in Windows Explorer then generate a printable A4 by simply right-clicking and sending "to A4".

To do this, navigate in Windows Explorer to "shell:sendto", then create a shortcut to the script in this directory. It can also be good to set a fixed location for the output file within the script (e.g. desktop).